Sunday, 13 February 2011


You're breaking my heart over and over, but you will never break me. Why did you move on so easily? How did you move on so easily? I never broke my promises to you, I made promises to you that I've never made since. I bet you have. You don't do anything different with your new girlfriend than you did with me, the songs you send her, the letters you write her, the words you tell her. I remember me and my ex being on cam to you, just sitting there, and you switched, but I guess it's okay for you to snog up yours infront of me, knowing damn well how much it'd kill me, but that's probably why you did it, so thank you. I shouldn't have let you in, I was over you a few months ago, I was happy. Then you came back and messed everything up. You tend to do that a lot, but I wouldn't change you. I know one day, whether it be next week or next year, I'll find someone incredible enough to push you completely out of my mind. I'll get back the wasted time I cried over you. I'm still strong, I'll stay happy. I wont love you, I don't love you.

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